The Scottish Highland Football League

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SHFL Statement re Racist Verbal Abuse
 SHFL Statement

In view of recent incidents, the SHFL has releaswed the following statement.

'The Highland League has always prided itself on its inclusiveness, its role in the communities in which it exists and its acceptance of diversity.

However, recent weeks have seen a worrying trend with instances of racial abuse occurring at SHFL matches.

This is completely unacceptable and has no place in the Highland League or, indeed, anywhere.

The message is quite simple to those who use such language – you are not welcome at Highland League matches, or matches anywhere, so stay away as you have no place in a modern society.

To all Highland League supporters – be aware of this issue and point out anyone who resorts to racist language.

Remember – for bad things to survive, all that’s needed is that good people do nothing.

It’s time for the good people to stand up and be counted.'    Ends

Note to media - for further details, contact R Houston, SHFL Secretary 07876-761233

News Date 27/03/2022